Emails |
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Use this section to set email notifications to be sent when the backup is finished. There are three types of email notifications depending on the backup status: success, warning and error email notifications.
Send email notification to If checked then notification emails will be sent at the end of the backup or test operation to the specified email addresses (email addresses must be separated by comma to be recognized). This option can be checked/unchecked only if the Tools->Options->Email window has the Enable email notification option checked.
Success It indicates the email that will be sent when the backup is finished with success. The default email is <Default success email>, but you can change it using the Open button . If you press the Edit button you can modify the selected email file (except the default email). Also there is the option to choose <No success email> if you don't want Backup4all to send an email if a backup was successful.
Warning It indicates the email that will be sent when the backup is finished with warnings. The default email is <Default warning email>, but you can change this using the Open button . If you press the Edit button you can modify the selected email file (except the default email). Also there is the option to choose <No warning email> if you don't want Backup4all to send an email if a backup was completed and there were warnings during execution.
Error It indicates the email that will be sent when the backup has failed because of an error. The default email is <Default error email>, but you can change this using the Open button . If you press the Edit button you can edit the selected email file (except the default email). Also there is the option to choose <No error email> if you don't want Backup4all to send an email if there were errors during the execution of the backup.
Success It indicates the email that will be sent when the test operation is finished with success. The default email is <Default success email>, but you can change it using the Open button . If you press the Edit button you can modify the selected email file (except the default email). Also there is the option to select <No success email> if you don't want Backup4all to send an email if a test operation was successful.
Error It indicates the email that will be sent when the backup has failed because of an error. The default email is <Default error email>, but you can change this using the Open button . If you press the Edit button you can modify the selected email file (except the default email). Also there is the option to select <No error email> if you don't want Backup4all to send an email if there were errors during the test operation.
Customizing emails
If you want to create a customized email to be sent (on success/warning/error), the email template will have to include special tags that Backup4all will recognize and replace according to the description (note that the format of the tag must be <#tag_name>):
For an example of tag usage, open one of the 3 default emails. The emails are stored in text format in application's directory (i.e. "C:\Program Files\Softland\Backup4all 3\") with the following filenames: SuccessFullEmail.txt, WarningFullEmail.txt, ErrorFullEmail.txt for backup emails and TestSuccessFullEmail.txt and TestErrorFullEmail.txt for test emails.
Attach backup log file to email If this option is checked, the backup log file will be attached to the email.
Compress the log file Option is active only if Attach backup log file to email option is checked. If this option is enabled, Backup4all will zip the log file before sending it. Additionally you can encrypt the log file using the Log file encryption.